How much does the program cost?

M18 is of no cost to the resident. Operations are funded by private donations, fundraising events, and the local church.

Are there age requirements?

M18 Women’s Facility is for women age 18 and up.

How long is the program?

M18 is a long-term residential recovery program. In order to graduate you must finish the 4 month long program or the recovery plan advised by the director.

What do I need to bring?

Click here for a full list of items needed. During your first month, you are allowed one care package. After that families can bring you stuff every week.

Can I smoke, dip, or vape?

M18 is a tobacco-free and vape-free program but nicotine pouches, patches, and lozenges are allowed.

Can I bring my children?

M18 does not allow children to stay on-site, however children can visit weekly after the woman’s 28 day no-contact time is over. If you need your child to stay with you, the director will guide you to other options that can help both you and your child!

More Details

  • M18 is a volunteer program for women who are serious about changing their lives and not a homeless shelter or an opportunity for a free ride.
  • This program is designed for a 4-month stay with the opportunity to go into our Phase 2 program, which the director will explain more of when accepted into M18.
  • A woman may leave at any time, or there may come a time when the M18 staff feels that this ministry has done all it can for the women, if so, they may be asked to leave.
  • There are rules that a resident will have to abide by.
  • Women will do serve projects weekly.
  • M18 is not responsible for any accidents or any debts/bills that a resident may have during or prior to his stay here.
  • Residents will be conquering their addiction through the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • There is no cost to attend M18.
  • There are absolutely NO men other than family permitted to visit unless the M18 Director approves them first.
  • M18 is not responsible for supplying spending money. This will have to be arranged through the resident’s family members.
  • M18 is a tobacco free / vape free program
  • M18 does not allow the use and or possession of any devices capable of telecommunication or wireless internet access. (phones, tablets, computers, video games, etc.)

For any other questions, email us at admin@m18recovery.comEDIT